Wednesday, 29 June 2016

#MidWeekTease ~ Blue Moon House: Vampire #vampire #paranormal #BDSM #erotica

Welcome to the tease to get you though your week. Get over the hump with the fabulous teasers shared by some of the best authors around. I'm teasing from the upcoming Blue Moon House issue, Vampire, which tells the story of Nicholas joining the House. I've shared a number of scenes from this book, but I think this is a new one. Enjoy!
Breaking News! Vampire is available for preorder on ARE

“Why don’t you and George have brandy in the parlor? I’ll join you once I square this away.”
Nicholas rose as she did and filed out behind George. “How do you normally spend your evenings?” he asked.
“Reading, smoking. Emma’s embroidery is over there.” He pointed to the piece Nick had admired earlier.
“We could retire,” George suggested, striding toward Nicholas.
Nicholas didn’t answer immediately, letting George wrap his arms around his neck. Before he’d gotten to kiss Nicholas, Emma joined them. She headed straight for the brandy decanter.
“Can I pour for you, George? Nicholas?”
“No, thank you,” Nicholas said.
George took a step back and turned to face his cousin. “Thank you,” he said, taking the glass she held out.
Emma filled a second for herself and took a full swallow, her eyes squeezing shut from the burn. She didn’t splutter, but it seemed a near thing. Rather than embroider, she pulled out a violin, plucking the strings and tuning it.
“You play?” Nick asked, sitting in the chair nearest her.
“You haven’t played in months,” George commented.
“Well, I will need something to drown out the sounds you make.” The liquor had made her flush and her embarrassment deepened it. “I apologize. I didn’t mean you shouldn’t... I’m sorry, George,” she said at the end, her instrument hanging from her fingertips as she bowed her head.
George was flushed too, and drained his glass rather than reply.
“I’m not offended, Emma.” Nicholas told her. “I hope we aren’t intruding on your evening.”
“No, you aren’t. I just... I’m jealous,” she said honestly.
Before Nick could reply, she lifted her violin and began to play. She wasn’t a fiddler, flying through lively dances as he was used to. She played slow, haunting pieces that shredded his heart. George sipped his brandy, but both he and Nick were silent, listening carefully.
Emma’s fingers stumbled and she lowered the instrument. “It has been too long. I’ve forgotten the rest.”
“That was wonderful,” Nicholas argued, applauding as he rose. “I’m surprised I’m not in tears.” He touched the corner of his eye where one had formed. “Beautiful.”
“Yes, Em. You can still play. I wish you’d been able to train longer.”
Emma frowned and packed the violin away. “Concert halls are no places for women, except as guests.” Her voice was clipped. “If you’ll excuse me, I’d like my bed.” She strode to the door before the men could answer.
“Of course,” Nicholas said, watching her.
George rose and blocked her path, hand on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, Emma. I know it hurts. I love you.” He whispered as he embraced her. Were Nicholas’ ears not so sharp he would never have heard. “I’m sorry, Emma. I know it hurts. I love you.”
“I know you meant no harm. I’m just unsettled. Please,” she said more clearly, “enjoy the evening.” She nodded to Nicholas again as she moved past George and out the door.

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Tuesday, 28 June 2016

Tantalizing Tuesday #japanese #lesbian Surprise!

Who can blame her for getting distracted from any oddities? Check all the teasers on our blog.
Yuki immediately argued about receiving a gift. “I don’t need anything. You should keep—” Her words broke off when Eiko turned with a forked wand, one tine thick, long and curved, the other short and flat.
“Do you like it?” Eiko asked, putting the active end into Yuki’s hand. The material was soft and smooth, but not cold like the metal bullet. “This part goes inside,” she explained, wrapping her hand around Yuki’s to close her fingers on the thicker tine. “The other.” Eiko flipped a switch, making the whole wand vibrate.
Yuki swallowed the lump of anticipation forming in her throat, but before she managed to speak, Eiko put her lips to Yuki’s ear, her breath tickling as she murmured, “Please, let me please you.”
Yuki’s knees wobbled and Eiko hugged her to keep her steady. Together they sat on the mat. The redhead took the vibrator and brushed it up the inside of Yuki’s thigh.
“Please?” Eiko asked again.
“Please,” Yuki answered, falling back and pulling up her skirt.
Eiko set the vibrator down touching Yuki’s thigh and Yuki shivered. Eiko didn’t hesitate, using her fingers open Yuki’s lower lips and spread her moisture, while the other hand pulled Yuki’s panties off.

Saturday, 25 June 2016

My Sexy Celebration ~ Riz Kay ~ Switching it Up ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MySexyAuthors #Saturday7 #MSS147

Ready for a sexy Saturday? How about a sex club open house? That's the kind of party I want to be at. Here's seven sentences from Switching it up.

Alpha Fever is filled with a scintillating, spicy blend of ***BRAND NEW*** contemporary and paranormal romance stories written by 24 NY Times, USA Today, and Amazon best selling Authors wrapped up in one amazing boxed set! Free on KU

Carol stood near the door handing drinks to people once their tickets had been checked. Patty hovered near the back door, the one that lead into the dungeon proper, where the more intense displays would be. No one approached her right away, which she appreciated. Instead she could watch the scenes begin around her. In one corner, a rigger gave rope demonstrations. In another, different floggers were being compared, even testing them on volunteers from the audience.
“You look delicious, darling.”

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Tuesday, 21 June 2016

#TantalizingTuesday That's weird #japanese #lesbian

Okay, don't blink or you'll miss it. Here's Yuki's first real clue that Eiko isn't exactly what she seems. Check all the teasers on our blog.

Yuki shook her head. “I don’t know. I’ve only just seen this place.” Yuki didn’t offer a suggestion but Eiko continued to look at her expectantly. “The bedroom?” she asked.
“Perfect,” Eiko agreed, taking Yuki’s hand and pulling her up. “Let’s pick a spot together.” Eiko turned on her toes, surveying the walls. They were all empty, a window on one. There was a futon and a closet but little else. On one hand, Yuki appreciated the lack of clutter and distraction; she would find it very easy to sleep in this room. On the other, it was strange that Eiko had no photographs, no knickknacks or keepsakes, nothing to mark the place as hers.
“How about here?” Eiko asked, holding the hanging to the wall on the right side of the futon.
“That looks great,” Yuki agreed. It would be easy to see from the mattress.
“Perfect,” Eiko said, pulling her hand away. The hanging stuck where she’d held it.
“How did you do that?” Yuki asked, looking more closely. A fine nail stuck out of the wall, holding the hanging up. It must have been there all along.
Eiko didn’t answer, opening the closet. “I bought you something for you.”

Wednesday, 15 June 2016

#MidWeekTease Vampire Bites - Blue Moon House Kitten #vampire #paranormal #99cents

Happy Humpday! I have a new boxed set! Vampire Bites is an anthology of stories about the bloodsucking kind. My contribution is from the Blue Moon House series, specifically, Kitten. I hope you enjoy this tease!
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Jocelyn shifted a little, swinging. She was completely suspended. She was also completely helpless. There was nothing she could do to free herself or even move more than a sway. The ceiling was higher than she had first realized and her crotch was only a little under Harry's chin as he circled her, examining.
Inhaling deeply, he said, “You were eager for this.” His tongue darted out and touched her hot skin. She shuddered, shaking in the harness, but barely moving. “Do you like it?” he asked, a finger tracing each of her lower lips, circling her anus.
"Oh, yes. Yes.” She longed to move, to touch herself, to have him touch her more.
"Yes. I think your kettle is ready. I'll be right back.”
"What?” Jocelyn turned her neck to follow him as he left the room. He wouldn't really leave her here, would he? She struggled against the straps, trying to find a way down. She swung and twisted, but couldn't move more than that. She started to cry, scared. Had she handed herself over to someone who would hurt her? Had she made a horrible mistake?
"Look at you. Quite different from when you arrived at my door.”
Jocelyn let her head hang back to see the door, albeit upside down. Sophia stood in the doorway. 
"You liked what you saw?” she asked. She frowned when she came closer, stretching up to wipe a hand over Jocelyn's cheek. “You didn't trust Harry?” she asked.
"He left me,” Jocelyn tried to explain.
"For only a minute,” Harry said, moving around Sophia to pour the kettle into the tub. “I'm not sure she will fit in here. She is very independent.” 
Sophia nodded. “I worried about that. A very progressive woman. Scientist, sexually manipulative.”
"You think she meant to manipulate me?” Harry asked, looking at Jocelyn.
"No, no, I didn't. I promise.”
Sophia's lips thinned to a line. “She got you to put her up there.”
Harry clicked his tongue. “I only meant to reward her. She seemed very keen in your room.”
"Yes, I was only curious. I didn't mean-”
"Silence!” both Harry and Sophia said. 
“You do not trust,” Sophia said again. “You cannot truly be a part of this house unless you trust your master. We have no place for you otherwise.”
"Please. Let me show you. I will obey,” Jocelyn argued.
"You disobey by speaking,” Harry pointed out. “I know Lynn was looking forward to having her.”
Sophia sighed. “She did seem a fine candidate.” She exchanged a look with Harry that was partially obscured by Jocelyn's leg. “Very well. You may try again. I would have Will train her, but I think neither of them would enjoy that.”
"I'm sure she will be more cooperative in future.”
Jocelyn bit her tongue, instead nodding.
"Much better,” Sophia said with a small smile. “The only word in your vocabulary is 'buckles.' You need no others.”
Jocelyn began to answer “yes” but stopped herself in time.

Our Linky seems to be broken. Please pop over to the blog for MidWeekTease to find the links to all the participants this week!

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Tuesday, 14 June 2016

#TantalizingTuesday Housewarming #japanese #lesbian

Eiko needs a house warming gift, and Yuki has one! Check out all the other teasers on the blog.

I don't know what this says, but it looks like what
Yuki would have done with their names. ;)
Every room was unassuming, simple and cozy. Yuki’s thoughts drifted to the hanging, realizing it wouldn’t be out of place on these walls. She hoped that meant she would fit in too. There was one bedroom and another furnished as a place to read or chat or do homework. It was here that they sat again with their tea.
Yuki wanted to ask about Mina, but wasn’t exactly sure how. “Was this a bedroom?” she tried. If the room had belonged to Mina, as Yuki supposed, that might open the topic.
“No,” Eiko said. Her smile dimmed slightly. “Is it not right?” she asked. “Does it look like a bedroom?”
“No,” Yuki answered quickly. “It’s a lovely room. In fact,” Yuki reached into her bag, “I have a gift.” She unrolled it enough to reveal the top of the first character.
Eiko paused and seemed to frown, but it passed quickly and she was grinning again. “Let me see it! It looks wonderful.”
“It’s not my best,” Yuki warned.
“Beautiful,” Eiko insisted, unrolling it completely. “I will have to find a place for it.” She looked at it for a long while, rolling it slowly when she did. “Where do you think I should hang it?”

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Sexy in Time ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MySexyAuthors #Saturday7 #MSS145 #vampire #VampireBites #BDSM

Happy Saturday! I hope you're enjoying your weekend. For today's theme, Sexy In Time, I knew I had to share a snip from one of the Blue Moon House books. Each subsequent installment is further back in time. It makes it perfect for starting anywhere in the series as each must stand alone with threads that connect them that reveal themselves after reading them all. This is an excerpt from Kitten, my contribution to the first Vampire Bites boxed set. Here she is with her assigned Dom, Will. He has a tendency to reveal his unnaturally long life by using very old slang and vocabulary. They aren't a romantic couple, but I think this passage shows how close they've grown.
Pick up a copy of Vampire Bites and enjoy all the great Vampire stories within! Only $0.99.

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ARe - NNP - Smashwords - Goodreads

Jocelyn tensed, preparing for pain. Nothing came, nothing happened, Will held perfectly still, his fingers still curled in her mouth. She let out a sigh of relief and he pushed.
Biting into his fingers, Jocelyn's scream was muffled. Will didn't punish her or take his fingers back, but he did slide them around her mouth. She tasted sweet stickiness, his blood. He pulled them out a little and pushed them back in. As he did, he rocked his hips forward, sinking further into her. She felt herself spread, but no burning, no pain, just intense fullness.
Relieved, she started sucking on his fingers, teasing them with her tongue and pulling them further into her mouth.
"You are the whore, aren't you, my little bubber?”
She laughed, as she did every time he called her that. It was amazing how that relaxed her, how much better he felt sliding in and out of her. She laughed again, having trouble believing it.
"You think it's funny, bitch? You think my cock in your ass is funny?”
She laughed again. “Yes! I think your ramrod in my barrel is pretty funny.”

Check out these other fantastic authors!

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Friday, 10 June 2016

72 hours only! Get all 19 FULL-LENGTH Novels in Beyond the Veil for 99cents! But only June 10-12 #paranormal #99cents #paranormal

Available F*R*E*E In Kindle Unlimited!

19 Full Length books with Shifters, Vampires, Witches, Wizards, Demons, Fae, Ghosts, Greek Gods & More! All manner of Magical & Mystical Paranormal Creatures!

20 USA Today, Amazon, International, and Award Winning Bestselling Authors in this LIMITED EDITION sizzling magical paranormal romance boxed set.

Beyond the Veil is 'Where Magic Happens,' and the alpha men and their sassy, head-strong and independent women, heat up the pages of this steamy and engaging collection of full length books. You can get it for only $0.99 June 10 to 12!

Available F*R*E*E In Kindle Unlimited!

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

#MidWeekTease Vampire Bites - Blue Moon House Kitten #vampire #99cents #romance

Hello hump day followers! I'm sharing another tease from Blue Moon House Kitten. It's in the Vampire Bites anthology and is only $0.99! Don't miss it!

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ARe - NNP - Smashwords - Goodreads 

Feeling a little exposed without her corset, Jocelyn knocked on the door. It opened immediately, before the knocker had even landed. Taking a step back in surprise, she regarded the man waiting for her. He was very pale, with white blonde hair and the clearest blue eyes she'd ever seen. They seemed to sparkle in an unnatural way. His shirt hung open, revealing a hairless chest. Jocelyn was still admiring it when he spoke.
"You need not knock when you are expected,” he told her. “Follow me.”
"Who are you?”
His hand landed lightly on her cheek. Despite the blow being gentle, it was a blow. Jocelyn's expression hardened as her hand flew to her cheek, planning to give this man more than a few words.
"I am your master. You will not make demands of me.”
Jocelyn continued to hold her cheek, ready to stand up for herself. Remembering a clause of the contract, she closed her eyes and sighed. Obey with alacrity. She hadn't expected corporal enforcement of the document, but he wasn't cruel.
"My apologies, sir.” She hesitated on the address, unsure what to call him.
His frown melted. “Sir. I think I like that. Enough of Master for a while. Follow me, Jocelyn. I will show you to your room. In future, when you arrive, head directly there and remove your clothing.”
"Yes, sir,” she agreed quickly. Now things were starting to sound like what she had come to expect.
"This is your room,” he told her, opening a door much like any of the others. “My name is Terrance, but as long as you wear this,” he produced a band of woven gold, a choker, from one pocket of his trousers. He stepped around her to fasten it. “As long as you wear this collar,” he murmured, lips tantalizingly close to her skin, “you will never use my name.”
"Of course, sir.” Jocelyn had played this game with a number of professors. They started, adamant that she address them properly, and eventually bowed to her whims. In the end, they all danced to her tune. She expected Terrance would be the same. It was just a matter of patience.

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Tuesday, 7 June 2016

#TantalizingTuesday Beautiful Home #Japanese #lesbian

I hope to tantalize you this Tuesday with Yuki's tour of Eiko's home, and a surprise invitation! Check out all the teasers by hopping to our blog.

Eiko opened her door and waited for Yuki to enter. The house surprised her. Although small and cozy, such dwellings were rare in this part of the city; they were expensive.
“I didn’t know,” Yuki murmured. Had Eiko felt crowded in Yuki’s tiny apartment? Surely her meager hanging was too awkward for these walls. She pushed the roll to the bottom of her bag.
Eiko led her to the kitchen and started brewing tea. She offered Yuki a cushion and sat beside her.
“It is a beautiful home,” Yuki told her.
Eiko poured tea, grinning. “Thank you! I am so glad you like it. I am hoping, now that I live alone, that you might join me here one day.”
Swallowing her tea in surprise, Yuki burned her throat. “I had planned to ask you to move in with me, but we will be much more comfortable here than in my place.”
“Does that mean you’ll stay?” Eiko asked clapping her hands.
Yuki smiled and giggled. “Yes. It will take me a bit longer to get to classes, but that isn’t a problem.
“I am so happy to hear that. Let me show you around.”

Saturday, 4 June 2016

My Sexy Secret ~ @MySexySaturday #MySexySaturday #MySexyAuthors #Saturday7 #MSS144

A sexy secret? How about the secret of Blue Moon House? Here's Jocelyn discovering it. Her story is one of those in Vampire Bites, a set of vampire stories.

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“Easiest to show you.” He tilted her head away from him, exposing her neck. She smiled expecting a playful nip.
He bit her. She almost jumped, but resisted at the last moment. That was a blessing; she would have torn her throat on his teeth if she had moved much. She heard him swallow and her eyes went wide.

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Friday, 3 June 2016

Flasher Fiction Friday ~ Does this park have a bench I can bend you over?

Welcome to Flasher Friday Fiction. We each write 100 words based on the same picture. Here's mine, it's also a snip from a WIP. Looking forward to the release in the fall!

“If you are going to act like a little girl…” He let go of her hand and turned, one arm wrapped around her chest, bending her forward over his knee. The other connected with her skirt covered bottom twice.
She squirmed free, her expression reminding him of black thunderstorm clouds.
He kept his own face stern.
They stood like that for several seconds.
Curtis took her hand again. “What? You didn’t like that?”
“I didn’t say that.”
“That’s right. I’d like it better without that skirt. How far to the park? Does it have a bench I can bend you over?”

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

#MidWeekTease #Vampire Bites - Blue Moon House Kitten #99cents #paranormal #romance

Happy Humpday! I have a new boxed set! Vampire Bites is an anthology of stories about the bloodsucking kind. My contribution is from the Blue Moon House series, specifically, Kitten. I hope you enjoy this tease!
Nook - Amazon - iBooks - Kobo
ARe - NNP - Smashwords - Goodreads 

Daisy sat astride Bernard's hips and bucked furiously, her fingers digging into his shoulders. His eyes rolled back and he cussed. Daisy's smile was triumphant when she eventually turned to Jocelyn.
"So? Was it there?” She rolled away enough to grab Bernard his pipe and herself a cigarette. She lit hers and passed the match to him. Then they both braced their backs on the settee and pulled the knitted throw from it across their laps.
Jocelyn admired Daisy's breasts as they heaved. She was still flush, too, pink covering her exposed breasts and slender neck. Bernard's face was red, but not nearly as attractive with a rather large nose and rough complexion. Daisy was infinitely fairer despite her dark chestnut hair. Jocelyn imagined tangling her fingers in it and pulling Daisy's plump lips to hers.
She blinked and looked up again. “Yes. Yes, it was there. I'm going back on Saturday.” She dropped the duster she'd never donned again on the settee and started pulling at the laces at her back. “Until then...”
Bernard growled and rounded Jocelyn to speed her disrobing. Of course, he took a moment to fondle her over the top of the corset. Daisy smacked his hand away to take one nipple in her mouth.
Bernard wasn't unwelcome, but Jocelyn preferred her time alone with Daisy. Their engagement was one of the final pushes Jocelyn needed to actually search out Blue Moon House. When her roommate married, she would both need a new place to stay, and a new friend. Perhaps the next would be a man again. She'd long since learned how to abort pregnancies, saving Daisy the shame of admitting Bernard had spoiled the goods once already. Her acceptance at the university was too tenuous to let something as inconvenient as a pregnancy stop her. She would never be a doctor, but she would learn all she needed to research disease and treatments. She would know everything she could about her body and how it worked. She longed to know how far she could push herself before damage was done. What damage could be repaired was also among her fascinations and studies.
Lying down, her head fell between Daisy's thighs, giving Jocelyn a superb view of the engorged pink skin that was still recovering from her play earlier. She began to lick along the dark pink skin while Bernard, hands holding Jocelyn's thighs, thrust into her. If she held her tongue out while he thrust...
"Christ,” Daisy cursed as Jocelyn's tongue moved with her, then pressed downward when Jocelyn flicked into her. “God, Jocy.”
"You sound amazing, doll,” Bernard murmured, leaning over Jocelyn to kiss his bride-to-be. “We'll still do this when we're hitched, right?”
Jocelyn froze, pulling her tongue back into her mouth. Daisy stopped, too, regarding Bernard with a frown creasing her brow.

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