For Zoe, any romantic encounter is a treasure. This poor girl's self-esteem is so low, it take all Linc can do to convince her that he really is interested in her. Here is a sexy encounter where he may have finally made his case:

Linc just stared at her pink nipples, her plump lips, her warm brown eyes and hair. Her ponytail was barely in place with the result tangled on her pillow. Best of all, she was smiling. Not the tiny shy smile he'd seen before; a bright, full, teeth flashing smile.
“You are beautiful.” To make his point, he traced her upturned nose.
Her eyes drooped sleepily. “You're just saying that.”
His glow went out like a snuffed candle. “You are,” he insisted.
“Yeah, really sexy,” she said with unveiled sarcasm, patting at the ring of flesh around her middle.
Linc ran his fingers down her side, over her belly, under her breasts, and over her breasts. He imagined drawing on her skin, shading all the curves to give them depth.
“I am just saying it,” he said at last and her eyes went wide in his peripheral vision. He continued to follow his finger, dark, on her pale marble skin. “I'm saying it without promises, without strings, without my own reasons. Just saying it.”
A sexy encounter.