I snap the cuff into place, too near my goal to back out now. Tossing my hair, I try to get comfortable.
Any minute now, Mr. Harris, will come through that door. I want to surprise him. That’s how I managed to kiss him at Christmas and feel my ass as we disembarked from a plane. I know he wants me, but he won’t make a move, probably fearing some sexual harassment suit. The only suit I want is his birthday one.
The door opens and I grin, ready for him.
“Miss Mitchell. What are you doing in Justin’s office?”
Oops! Gotta love a switch. Wonder who that was? Someone higher up? Someone who will take advantage of her incapacitated state? Hehe. Wish I could tell you, but I'm out of words! Get flashed by all the other great flashers by stopping by the blog.