Today is the day! If you didn't pre-order, today you can go to Naughty Nights Press, or Amazon (including UK and Australia) and buy Blue Moon House and Campus Sexploits 3. We're also on Smashwords.I'm celebrating on Elicia Seawell's site. Heaven O'Shay and J.S. Morbius are both helping me out, so big thanks to both of them. Rebecca Clare Smith is also letting me judge the #SatSunTails this weekend. Come check that out and possibly win a copy of either Blue Moon House or Campus Sexploits 3.
I can't believe today is here! I'm so excited!
How about some links?
Amazon: Blue Moon House, Campus Sexploits
Amazon UK: Blue Moon House, Campus Sexploits
Smashwords: Blue Moon House, Campus Sexploits
All Romance eBooks: Blue Moon House, Campus Sexploits
NNP: Blue Moon House, Campus Sexploits (use SC3PromoAD for 25% off)