Thursday, 21 June 2012

Flash Fiction Friday - Inception

So, if you have been keeping track, the same players have appeared in all my Friday pieces this month. We started with John mourning Richard as the mysterious female appears. Next we have John sharing an intimate moment with Lara. Then we have the same Lara with her lover Therese. And now we have the event that caused Lara to kill Richard at the beginning, the Inception.

Lara’s grief consumed her. Her son, dead only moments after birth. She shouldn’t mourn him so, he would live with the men as soon as weaned, but she did. She hated that this tiny life had been stolen from her. Her lover and midwife, held her, stroked her, and Lara let the small pleasure from her touch build her magic back to life. As soon as it had, she called the crows to carry her son’s soul with them. As soon as the first caws were heard, she pushed Therese away. She would make sure the someone paid for this.

Be sure to check out all the other Flash Fiction Friday authors and pieces:
Savannah Chase
Sherry M. Palmer
Naomi Shaw
Julez S Morbius
Venus Cahill
Davee Jones
Veronica Fredricks
Cyril J. Michael
S. J. Maylee
Yvonne Nicolas
Kendel Davi
Bonni Sansom